الأربعاء، 11 مارس 2020

Guide: How to Shut Down Windows 10 PC/Laptop by Using Command-Line

It's very useful to learn how to use command line to shutdown a Windows 10 computer
 when Windows file crashes or computer screen freezes or other stuck errors that prevent
 system shutdown. Follow the guide below strictly and try to close Windows 10 when it does
 not turn off.

STEP 1. Start->Run->CMD;
STEP 2. Type "shutdown" in the open command prompt window;
STEP 3. List of various choices that you can do with the command will be listed down;
shutdonw Windows 10 PC using command line
STEP 4. Type "shutdown /s" to Shutdown your computer;
STEP 5. Type "shutdown /r "to Restart your windows PC;
STEP 6. Type shutdown /l" to Log off your computer
SETP 7. Type "shutdown /a"to Abort the shutdown process before the timeout; 
SETP 8. Type shutdown to know more choices in system shutdown process.

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